Tuesday, 10 December 2019

How can Remedial Massage Help to Improve Postural Issues?

Are you having postural issues? Do you know that remedial massage therapy can minimise your postural issues? Well, yes, you read it right! Remedial massage is highly beneficial to reduce postural issues. It is a well-known fact that having a good posture is essential for your body to remain perfect. However, many people face postural issues due to different reasons, and one of them is due to their habits. Improper positioning can highly affect the body postures.

Remedial Massage Heals Postural Imbalance 

>A frequent muscular imbalance can lead to tightening of chest muscles and weakening of the back muscles. Moreover, a postural imbalance can also lead to stiffening of the shoulder blades. Also, such positioning of the upper body can lead to headaches along with neck and shoulder pain.

>Remedial massage therapy in Perth is based on natural products, which helps in dealing with positioning issues more effectively. The natural process of remedial massage helps to strengthen the weak muscles, and bring the shoulder blades back to a more stable position as well as minimise the neck pressure.

>Moreover, addressing muscular imbalance with the help of remedial massage will enable you to gain muscular stability. Furthermore, it helps in making you aware of the habitual movement patterns and helps in improving your posture.

It also helps in loosening the tight muscles and remove scar tissues that had been formed for many years.

However, you need to keep in mind that remedial massage therapy takes some time in improving your posture.

Benefits of Remedial Massage:

>Healing and increasing relaxation
>Minimising high blood pressure
>Lessening inflammation
>Improving digestive response
>Helps to get rid of tensions, kinks, and knots in overworked muscles
>Allows to enhance the health of joints
>Helps to improve joint health
>Lessen the chance of related conditions like headaches, frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel syndrome

Tips to Make the Remedial Massage More Effective in Improving the Posture

Stretches: Along with remedial massage, you can also perform exercises, which can also be done at home. Stretching the muscles during the exercise helps in relieving the pain from your muscles. You can also take suggestions from your remedial massage therapists in Perth regarding the kinds of exercises you can do.

Yoga: The poses that are included in yoga helps in promoting better posture. Hence, working on your core muscles with remedial massage therapy will help your body to stay aligned.

Therefore, if you are into sports, and facing problems with your body posture due to any, then you must opt for a sports massage or remedial massage therapy to improve your body posture.

Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Get ‘Radiant Skin’ With Ayurvedic Kansa Face Massage Therapy

The Kansa Wand (pronouncing ‘cans’) uses Copper (a sacred bronze in Ayurveda) and Tin in its making to become the perfect Healing Metal.’

The Objective Behind Using Kansa Wands Is To:-

  • Create slight friction to the facial muscles.
  • To pull out the acidity from the tissues and prevent further acidity build-up
  • Enhances the vibrancy of your facial skin and also helps release toxins.
  • Works to tighten the facial skin tone and keep you relaxed and full of confidence at all times. 
  • Reduces fine lines and skin redness on the face.
  • Enhances the blood circulation thus ensuring the skin is cleansed and nourished properly.
  • And acts as a nice anti-ageing effect, thus giving you younger-looking skin tone.
  • And to improve facial health, lessen stress and improve energy.
The most satisfying result of all from an Ayurvedic Kansa face massage is to present the skin a radiant and healthy glow. Hence, it is no surprise why so many are fascinated by this facial treatment and regularly look to take it.

How To Use It Properly?

Another interesting part of using Kansa wands is; you can purchase it and use it on your own. Most Kansa wands products allow easy movement on your facial skin, more so if you are applying it with organic oil. The application is very natural. But if you are doing this for the first time, then here are some key aspects you should be aware of.
  • Always clean your face with a quality cleanser prior to beginning your massage.
  • After cleaning it; you can apply jojoba oils (or any other type of organic oil) all over your face.
  • Then using your Kansa wand; you can gently rub it on your face in a circular motion. Start with the forehead mainly because it is considered as the energy centre.’ 
  • Gives a lot of attention when massaging your forehead, and from there gradually move downwards towards the eyebrow and continue massaging gently.
  • Properly massage your cheekbones and your temples, and then work around the ears. Don’t massage the ears directly.
  • Last, of all, massage the chin area gently. 

Where To Find Quality Kansa Wands?

As this is a very popular and ‘Ayurveda-recommendedmassaging tool, there are lots of companies who are engaged in its trade. But, not all of them will guarantee quality in their wands, which is why you need to take time and sort out your options properly.

Check their product descriptions, the Kansa wand variants and also how customers before you have felt using it. And off-course, compare the price from other notable suppliers in the area to get a proper idea about the industry-standard rates.

It will present you proper closure about the quality of the supplier and also peace of mind knowing that you are investing your money on a quality product.

Monday, 8 April 2019

Know the Effectiveness of Low Laser Therapy in Treating Sports Injuries

Being an athlete, it can be both rewarding as well as exciting experience. However, people, who are into sports are much open to a higher risk of developing injuries that may bother the athletes after playing days are over. Whether it is a soft tissue injury, broken bones or torn ligaments, it can cause risk for any athlete. However, injuries are part of a game. And, if you have developed long-term tissue injuries after the athletic years, then low-level laser therapy should be the option to avail.

So, what’s low-level laser therapy?

Low-level laser therapy or cold laser therapy is an innovative way apart from getting pharmaceutical treatment. It is a painless and non-invasive treatment that is free from side effects. While using the cold laser, it causes no heating or damage to the living tissues. The light energy promotes natural healing while reducing pain.

How does it work?

The laser is placed directly in contact with your skin. It emits a light that skin absorbs deep into the damaged and injured cell beneath the skin surface. Did you know the light energy turn into the cellular energy that promotes natural healing?

With low-level laser therapy, your body will learn to heal itself, and damaged cells will get the place back on the path of healing.

How is sports injury get treated?

Whether it is soft tissue sports injury or other musculoskeletal conditions, you can get a complete pain-free treatment. Running, swimming, biking, tennis and other healthy activities can cause soft tissue injuries that can be treated successfully using Low Level Laser Therapy(LLLT).

  • Swimming: Swimmers are more likely to suffer from the rotator cuff injuries that involve tears and tendons in the shoulder. Usually, people may ask you to apply ice or opt for surgery in severe cases. However, low-level laser therapy by Perth professionals is known for giving effective treatment when used in conjunction with physical therapy.
  • Bicycling: This outdoor activity is a way to stay fit and active. However, it poses a risk to injuries like other outdoor activities. Achilles tendinitis is one of the common issues for the bikers- a result of tears and inflammation of the soft tissues.
  • Running: A thick band of tissues stretches from heal to toes that absorb shock when we walk or run. This is a group of tissues known as planter ligament that withstands a great deal of wear. And when there is pain or any tear, it can cause plantar fasciitis, which is a reason for heel pain.
Being of being active outweigh the risk of injury. And, when it comes to sports-related injuries, pain relief and healing comes with a top priority. LLLT makes sportspeople feel better with no side effects.