Monday 3 April 2023

How Does A Kansa Wand Bring An Exceptional Glow To Your Face?

A facial massage is itself a beautiful treat for your skin. From increasing circulation to releasing tension, you can achieve everything in a pack, which will automatically lift your face. In the category of facial massage, a Kansa wand is a tool that is considered the most effective one for your facial skin. 

Are you wondering what a Kansa wand exactly is? It is a tool with a wooden handle and a dome-shaped tip made from Kansa metal, which has been used in Ayurveda for hundreds of years. But if you use colloidal silver with a Kansa wand, the treatment can be way more effective.

Colloidal silver is a mineral that was very popular a few years ago, and it was used mainly to kill germs on people’s skin. Using a Kansa wand with it is simply going to be very precious for you. Now, what do you know about its benefits? Nothing? Then let’s know the major ones here.

Aiding Lymphatic Drainage

A Kansa wand can be used for the better functioning of your lymphatic system. It mainly ensures and encourages good draining in the system. This system collects waste fluid from your cells and eliminates the toxins in it. Now that the drainage has been aided and improved, the process can be far more effective in keeping you healthy throughout your life.

Releasing Tension

One of the most soothing activities is massaging your face with a Kansa wand. Not only does it calm your mind, but it releases all your tension as well. Your face is the most common place for tension. If you have it, your face will be the first part to express it. A Kansa wand is very useful in this aspect, as it helps you be relieved of your tension all at once.

Restoring a Good pH

A Kansa wand evidently provides your natural face with a lift by restoring the pH of your skin. When the pH becomes unbalanced, it can result in severe issues like oiliness, acne, and signs of premature aging.

 A Kansa wand does not let this happen. Especially, the hand-in-hand function of colloidal silver with a Kansa wand restores the pH of your skin and makes it function greatly to keep your face clean and healthy.

Before you begin with your massage, make sure your face and hands are clean. This way, a Kansa wand can show its best effects. If your friends are also in need of something like this, share this blog with them. 

Tuesday 31 January 2023

Everything You Need to Know About Sports Massage Therapy

Athletic massage therapy or sports medicine massage are other names for sports massage therapy. It is a sort of therapy intended to lessen the stress and anxiety that might build up in the body’s soft tissues during workouts and numerous sports.

Sports massage therapy in Perth can assist in lowering bodily stress. Athletes can benefit from this massage therapy after exhausting competitions or training sessions. Furthermore, it can promote stamina and athletic performance.

The rewards you get with sports massage therapy

It goes without saying that sports injuries are as common as winners and losers in a sport. To help patients heal, however, using painkillers and other medications is frequently the injured person’s first line of defence. The frequent use of medications, both prescribed and over-the-counter (OTC), can frequently result in long-term negative effects.

This is where the benefits of sports massage therapy come in. Sports massages help with the following when done under the direction and supervision of qualified experts:

● lowering (perhaps even eliminating) the need for dangerous chemical-based drugs during the healing process,

● reducing tension in the muscles and stress,

● improving range of motion and mobility after a sports injury,

● reducing idle time, enhancing recovery, and

● Increasing self-assurance and psychological recovery.

These are just a few benefits of using alternative therapies, including sports massage in Perth, to cure sports injuries.

Think twice before booking a massage close to a big event

Are you a total novice to massage? If so, you should schedule your first consultation either well in advance of a race, ideally a few weeks beforehand, or the day following the sports event. On the day of your sports competition, just as you wouldn’t test on new socks or shoes, you shouldn’t tamper with any pre-race bodywork.

Monday 16 January 2023

Why Is It Recommended To Opt For Trigger Points Massage Therapy?


In modern days, health problems have become extremely common for people. Pains, headaches, issues with muscles and bones, etc. are making lives miserable for people who are dealing with these issues. To get rid of these problems, opting for a trigger point massage therapy in Perth can be extremely beneficial. In this piece, we will have a look at a few of the benefits that you can derive while opting for this particular style of massage therapy.

Reduces headaches

As we are well aware, headaches can be extremely hard to get rid of and might need to pop in pills from time to time. Opting for a trigger points massage therapy can be extremely beneficial in terms of getting rid of these headaches that don’t tend to go away easily. 

Relaxes muscles

Muscle tension is another problem that can happen to any person, especially those who tend to involve themselves in more physical work. Opting for a session of trigger point dry needling in Perth can be extremely beneficial for these people as it helps to get rid of muscle tension and relaxes them to a great extent.

Improves range of motion

People who are struggling with movements can also get great relief while opting for a session of trigger point dry needling. So if you are one of them who is facing a serious problem or if you have any such relative or friend, it is important for you to opt for a session with one of the best trigger point dry needling massage therapy providers in Perth and get rid of these issues in the best possible manner.   

As we know, there are a number of problems that we can face with our bodies, especially due to the sedentary lifestyle that we have adapted in recent times. If the issues are the ones depicted in the above lines, opting for a session of trigger point massage therapy near me can be extremely effective in terms of getting rid of the same under the supervision of the best providers of trigger point massage therapy near your location.

Friday 23 September 2022

4 Reasons Why Remedial Massage Is Good For You

A remedial massage is a form of manual treatment used to rehabilitate strained, injured, or immobilised muscles. This procedure helps the body's natural healing process while locating and fixing any affected regions.

Different from other types of soft relaxation massage is remedial massage therapy in Perth. It is required to quantify and prevent injuries, especially soft tissue injuries. Here are the four benefits, in no particular order.

It encourages blood flow 

Remedial massage stimulates the circulatory system, promoting blood flow to the areas being treated. Increased blood flow to the area aids in accelerating tissue regeneration and healing.

It increases the range of joint motion 

Your range of motion in your joints can be improved with remedial massage. Your therapist will focus on the muscles surrounding the troubled joint in an effort to improve joint mobility and get you moving again.

It treats a wide range of health disorders 

Numerous medical conditions benefit from therapeutic massage. Remedial massage in Perth is frequently used to treat conditions like whiplash, arthritis, frozen shoulder, and sports injuries. It can also be beneficial for people with conditions including multiple sclerosis, muscle atrophy, cerebral palsy, sleeplessness, anxiety, or chronic pain.

It reduces stress

The ability of remedial massage therapy to reduce stress is yet another fantastic advantage. Cortisol levels can drop with therapeutic massage (the hormone produced when we are stressed and in pain). Dopamine and serotonin levels are elevated during massage therapy, which helps with mood enhancement, relaxation, and pain relief. Both physical and emotional tension is alleviated by massage.

These are the 4 reasons why remedial massage is good for you. If you find this post helpful, don’t forget to share it with your friends, and get back to us for more posts like this! 

Thursday 11 August 2022

How Kansa Wand Ensures Youth Radiance & Natural Facelift?

Kansa wand goes a long way to ensure youth radiance and causes natural facelift. That’s an open secret. But how does it do it? Here are the ways…

It promotes Circulation of Blood

Kansa wand will help to relax the muscles and tone them up. When that happens, it increases and improves blood circulation, which in turn increases the supply of oxygen in every nook and cranny of your body. 

It eliminates & prevents ageing signs

With the betterment of blood and oxygen flow, wrinkles, patches and other ageing signs are not only eliminated, but their subsequent occurrence is thwarted. 

It improves flow of lymph and removal of toxins 

Kansa wand goes a long way to improve the flow of lymph and when that happens, it leads to removal of toxins, thereby giving the skin a bright and refreshing look and feel. With such glowing skin, you will look fit and fine and more youthful. So it keeps ageing at bay. It also improves the functions of  the lymphatic system. 

It restores your energy

If you have been lethargic and found wanting in terms of energy and liveliness, treatment with kansa wand will make a lot of difference. It will restore your energy and liveliness, keeping you beaming with energy and on the top of your toes - always. 

It  helps you get rid of pain  and aches

In case you have been suffering from chronic body aches, muscle spasms and pains, stiff joints or pain in the joints, kansa wand treatment is an excellent way of getting rid of them. Due to improved blood circulation and release of the toxins, these chronic pains, stiffness in muscles and joints are alleviated to a great extent.

It improves your sleep cycle

Last but not the least, it goes a long way to enhance your sleep, and improve your sleep cycle, keeping you fit and rejuvenated - always. 


Thus, kansa wand treatment gives you so many benefits to live with. 

Tuesday 7 June 2022

5 Primary Effects of Sports Massage Therapy in Perth

 Regular sports massage affects you physically and psychologically, enhancing your athletic performance. The primary effects of a Perth sports massage are those that have a significant impact on your athletic performance. Scroll down and get to know about them in detail.


Muscular relaxation

When your body is subjected to a lot of extreme physical activity, your muscles begin to contract at an unusually rapid rate - especially if you're going all-out for a contest or race. It will turn into a sensation of continual muscle tiredness for you. Treat your muscles to sports massage on a regular basis to reduce persistent tiredness and to allow muscular contractibility to regulate.

 Formation of healthy scar tissue

Engaging in regular athletic activity unfortunately means you can have an injury every now and then. When it comes to regaining your peak athletic condition, the formation of healthy scar tissue is critical. Certain massage methods, such as wringing, chucking, friction, and diagonals, contribute to the arrangement of fibres in the formation of scar tissue, ensuring that they are robust but supple.

 Separation of muscle and connective tissue

With rigorous athletic activities, the connective tissue builds up and holds muscles altogether. This interrupts the smooth and flowing movement and if the problem exists, painful adhesions, as well as traumas, are surely expected.

Some of the sports massage techniques that fix the connective tissue and muscle separation are known as deep tissue separation, cross-fibre friction, myofascial release, folding and twisting. 

Increased mental alertness and clarity

When it comes to planning for an event, mental alertness might be key. It not only aids in preparation, but it also helps to relax your mind and reduce the feeling of exhaustion. A sportsmassage therapy in Perth might include techniques to help you stay sharp, physically reactive, and psychologically clear.

Trigger point deactivation

Trigger points in tendons and muscles are common in athletes due to the continuous pressure on muscles. These areas can be stiff, create stress, and limit your strength and flexibility, all of which are extremely detrimental to any athletic activity. Sports massage increases the blood flow to trigger points and tries to eliminate them in 1-3 sessions.

 These are the 5 primary effects of sports massage therapy in Perth. If you find this post helpful, share it with your friends, and get back to us for more exciting posts!

Friday 25 March 2022

How can students benefit from myofascial release massage?

As students, we are prone to immense stress and fail to work in accordance with our schedule. This happens only if you are stressed and have many trigger points on your body. A myofascial release massage is a hands-on approach to managing your pain and bidding goodbye to your discomfort. The trained masseuse creates pressure to relax the tight or sore areas! If you struggle with aches and pain at a young age and want to avoid medications, myofascial releases might be a perfect choice! Read on to know more: 


Parts of the body employed for myofascial massage: 

To begin with, you must know about the body parts that are extensively used in giving myofascial release massage in Perth. This pain management technique is best for the following body parts:





Lower back



It acts as an alternative medicine therapy: 

Do you know that you need to look for alternatives to treat your aches and pains? In case you are looking for a myofascial release therapist near me, try to ask them about their alternative approaches. Typically, they alleviate the tensions and stress in the body by pure pressure manipulation. Their repetitive kneading and stroking in the affected muscles and tissues will relieve you of your chronic pain and work as an alternative medicine therapy. 

Pro tip: Their oil and lubricants ensure gentle, relaxing and smooth movements in the body. 

Say bye-bye to chronic pain: 

Are you suffering from chronic pain? If so, myofascial release massage in Perth will work wonders. Chronic pain is highly prevalent, and you must look for alternatives to ease them before it is too late. Suppose you study for long periods and suffer from neck aches; the masseuse uses apt pressure techniques to release those knots and help your neck feel relaxed.  

It improves mobility and nerve function: 

One of the striking benefits of looking for a myofascial release therapist near me is improved nerve function and mobility. Myofascial release massage incorporates movements and techniques that will enhance the nerve function in your body. Their kneading strokes will enhance blood flow to the affected areas and release chronic knots. So, what are you waiting for? Look for a reputed masseuse and improve your hindred physical mobility. 

In a nutshell: Myofascial massage is loaded with many perks, and some of them are listed as follows: 

It reduces pain and releases knots and trigger points

It improves your movement, flexibility and muscle function